You sent me on a rabbit hole when I searched for that site. Yeah I go back and forth between this. Ultimately I believe that big tech and all companies should be held accountable. I touched on this when I wrote the article about Amazon. Conservatives who care about things like free speech and free market should take a stand against any sort of censorship. While we typically talk about government censorship, big tech is government agnostic, which is a scary thought IMO. Even anti-monopoly lawsuits in Europe barely scratched Google. Not much is going to happen here. We are living in a type of information cold war. As much as I hate voter fraud allegations that Trump is spewing, it should be discussed and debated on the open market so that logic can prevail. Censorship simply means that those censoring don't want to spend the time to backing up their position or don't feel inclined to. It's a type of elitism.