Thanks for the thoughtful response! These types of thought experiments are very difficult gov't has almost always played a role in some way propping up or inviting certain businesses over others.
The key thing here is that Amazon was able to operate without profit for a long period of time. It apparently started in jeff-bezos’ garage or basement, depending on which version of the story you hear. With that said, given that it only had VC funding, I’m sure it could have broken through some ceiling, but at the time there were many dot com companies with VC funding that failed.
My first argument isn’t that large corporations wouldn’t exist, but that an Amazon simply wouldn’t have as much power as it does. Don’t forget that Amazon also enjoys near immunity under section 230, something that small businesses are not able to experience.
Pure VC funding means that Bezos has to give up more of his equity in order to reach the height of success he currently has. Nearly all the top brands, even Tesla, takes advantage of free Government money in the form of subsidies, tax breaks, rebates, loopholes, etc. Things that are not available for a small business.
To be honest, the amazon model itself is brilliant in that starting off they were able to avoid a lot of overhead, that a typical company wouldn’t have to deal with such as meeting payroll, paying the rent, paying for inventory, etc.
Very difficult to provide an answer beyond what I’ve already provided. Ultimately the message is this: let’s see what happens when we level the playing field.